Saturday, August 15, 2009

Start Back at One...

One blog. One woman. One recipe. That's how it starts at least. Thanks for visiting my blog! If you're looking for vegan recipes, cooking tips, and great veg restaurants to visit in Philadelphia, definitely keep this blog bookmarked. If you have a request for a recipe you have yet to perfect, send me a comment and I'll do my best to help. Here's a little background on this vegan publisher: *Loves* Meditteranean and Italian vegan recipes Vegan desserts made with pumpkin or applesauce Red wine Food in general! *Inspirations* Rachael Ray -- she cooks everything but respects the vegetarians and vegans of the cooking community. Skinny Bitch authors, Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin. Determined chefs - vegan or not - because the kitchen is not just a room in your house, it's a holy place of art. *Who am I?* Since you can't just address someone as "writer" or "vegan," you should know that I am Ray. Born and raised in the greater Philadelphia area, I have a true passion for the environment, animal welfare and of course, cooking delicious food. My animals are rescued, my bags are reusable, and I try my hardest to walk the walk and talk the talk. I'm an open cookbook - ask me anything! Recipe #1 Choc-Full-of-Veggies Cupcakes An irresistable dessert perfect for any group gathering, each cake with a full serving of vegetables! Credit for this recipe goes to my Momma <3 Makes 24 cupcakes One package of Duncan Hines Dark Chocolate cake mix (some brands provide dark chocolate cake mix without any egg or dairy - just read the ingredients!) 1/4 cup of warm water I large can (21 oz) of pure pumpkin Icing (optional) Blend ingredients thoroughly in large mixing bowl until powdered pieces disappear. Distribute evenly into cupcake tins. Bake according to package directions. Cool and ice if desired. Enjoy!

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